Business model
Flexible & cost-effective business model
The Enorama Pharma business model is to develop and manufacture consumer friendly medicated chewing gums using our ChewMed® technology which is a unique compressed gum technology. We operate in a business-to-business context leaving the Enorama Pharma organization lean and agile. Key activities such as R&D, clinical studies, regulatory affairs are outsourced to global partners. Sales and marketing are out licensed to our customers.
This business model keeps our organization lean, flexible and cost-effective.
License & Supply
License- and Supply Agreements
The Enorama Pharma technology will be commercialized through license- and supply agreements with pharmaceutical companies, pharmacies, tobacco and Fast-Moving Consumer Goods companies who market and distribute the products under their own brand.
With our business model customers are able to specify their unique requirements regarding API as well as the shape, color and taste of the gum.
Our first product, a more consumer-friendly nicotine gum, has already been developed and several partner agreements have been signed.
New therapeutic applications will be developed together with different partners.
Business Development
Partnership & Cooperation

At Enorama Pharma, we value partnerships and collaboration. Our future strategy relies heavily on our strategic selection of people and successful partnerships around the world. We believe that by working together, we can discover, develop, and deliver the best value for our customers.
Enorama Pharma is looking for in-licensing partners and distributors for our unique nicotine chewing gum for smoking cessation. Meanwhile, any pharmaceutical company or other potential partner with interest in developing a chewing gum based drug delivery system for any generic API are welcome to contact us. Together we will be able to develop a new and unique product that suits your company and your customer´s needs. We are always open to new ideas and collaboration with other companies in our industry.
If you have a business development opportunity you’d like to discuss, please email us at info@enorama.se.