Your choice
of nicotine products

Enorama Pharma AB is a Swedish pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. We focus on the development and commercialization of consumer friendly, oral nicotine products.  

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Your choice of nicotine products

Enorama Pharma AB is a Swedish pharmaceutical company listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market. We focus on development and manufacturing of consumer friendly medicated chewing gums containing well proven generic substances.

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Research & Development

Fields of research

Research & Development

Fields of research


Nicotine Chewing Gum for smoking cessation

A unique, patented, consumer-friendly nicotine gum ready for sale.

Nicotine Pouches in 6 flavours and 3 strengths

We develop, manufacture and sell 100 % tobacco-free nicotine pouches under our own brand NIC-S.



Enorama Pharma develops and manufactures medicated chewing gums. We utilize a modern technology platform, the ChewMed® technology, that is better suited for production of medicated chewing gums than traditional technologies.


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Enorama Pharma AB (publ) undersöker möjligheten att avyttra verksamhet inom tuggummin för nikotinavvänjning

Styrelsen för Enorama Pharma AB (”Enorama Pharma” eller ”Bolaget”) har beslutat att undersöka möjligheten att avyttra den del av verksamheten som rör utveckling och försäljning av tuggummin för nikotinavvänjning (”NRT”) för att fokusera på den fortsatta expansionen av produktlinjen för vitt snus, NIC-S. Enorama Pharma har utvecklat ett patenterat sortiment av NRT-tuggummin i två styrkor…

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